CSR Partners

Odisha FC, Reliance and Youth for Sustainability have a mutual aim of developing and promoting football across Odisha. Through RFYS and Youth for Sustainability, Odisha FC aims to reach out to the communities at the grassroots level and encourage them to participate in the world's beautiful game.

Community & Kit Partnership

Odisha Football Club has launched a new and unique initiative allowing small and medium-sized companies from India and abroad to partner with their favourite player while contributing to the club’s extensive community outreach programs. In brief, the companies or individuals will have their name/logo next to their chosen player's profile on the website and they will receive the player’s worn and signed shirt at the end of the season. In addition, they will also receive a special personal message from the chosen player and the community groups that they have helped as a result of the support.
For further queries regarding this program or any association/partnership opportunities with Odisha FC, please feel free to contact us at commercial@odishafc.com

Bespoke Campaign

As a part of a new dawn, the commercial team of Odisha FC has Been revamped. Odisha FC with its new commercial team shall create, Pitch, execute, and deliver Bespoke Campaigns, for real impact, Through digital, offline, and creative delivery options.

We are the platform required for your brand, come meet them in a shared arena of passion through sport!

Odisha FC

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